Engaging an Engineer
Engaging an Electrical Engineer
Some of the important things to consider when engaging an engineer…
Engaging an Electrical Consultant
Why You Need The Full Monty And NOT A Single Player…
Nowadays, employing the services of an electrical consultant is going to be necessary for every business owner at some point, irrespective of the type of operation they own. Indeed, if you’re a business owner in Malaysia and you’re reading this, it is quite possible that you need to engage a professional electrical consultant right now.
If so, great because – perhaps surprisingly – this article is not all about blowing the One Alpha ‘trumpet’ (if such a thing exists!). Instead, I’m hoping that this article gives you pause for thought, to ask questions that you might not ask otherwise.
In addition, we’ll debunk one common myth about electrical consultants that we’ve seen bandied about so many times that I sincerely wish I’d had a dollar for every example!
Simply put, not every electrical consultant is the same. The ways in which one consultant differs from another may not be exactly as you would imagine, however.
As an illustration and on the most obvious level, electrical consultant Mr A might have more professional qualifications or more ‘in the field’ experience as an electrical consultant, than Mr B. There are however minimum professional standards that every electrical consultant in Malaysia must attain and as everyone I know of has done so, this won’t help you make a choice.
The fact is, there’s nothing unique going on when it comes to qualifications in the electrical consulting industry in Malaysia or anywhere else. This is the same in any business and there is nothing particularly enlightening or riveting about electrical consulting here.
In engineering, it’s also vital that the electrical consultant you engage understands the importance of being on the ball, answering questions and queries within 24 hours in all but the most extreme circumstances. Your consultant should appreciate that major engineering projects proceed step-by-step and that the outcome of one decision dictates what happens next. The One Alpha team definitely fit the bill on all counts, but we can’t pretend that we’re alone in this.
However, where we are able to offer a difference that is directly beneficial to clients is by adopting a more holistic approach than some electrical consultants that are out there.
Now, the word ‘holistic’ sometimes gets a bad press, viewed (as it often is) as some trendy new-age nonsense. It
So, what do I mean by having a holistic approach in practice?
Well, imagine that you’re planning a major construction project, a new condominium or shopping mall, for example. Sure, you’ll need a quality electrical consultant on the team, but you’ll need a whole lot more besides, right?
For instance, you’ll need expertise in all of the following areas:
- Heating, air
conditioning and ventilation; - Plumbing;
- Energy Management and
- Fire alarm and fire protection.
In other words, you need to engage consultants who offer a full range of both mechanical and electrical consultancy talents. In this, One Alpha increasingly fit the bill!
However, it doesn’t end with the list above.
Instead, a holistic approach dictates that every element of your Mechanical & Electrical project team is able to go so much further than this.
And nowadays, it would be almost criminally wrong if you do not have access to expert energy management
If you’re looking for a professional electrical consultant for a project large or small, you need to think about the big picture. Is the company you’re thinking of engaging able to offer every expert construction consulting service under one roof? We are extremely proud that we can!
In short, if it’s an electrical consultant in Malaysia that you’re looking for but you know that there is so much more that needs to be done, you should be talking to One Alpha right now. Pick the phone up and let’s start discussing your electrical consulting requirements today, or complete the form at the top right…